Really good!
Some really great work! Just a couple of minor faults away from 9/10.
The dialouges were good and creative but maybe a little slow.
The sound didnt always fit in perfectly. I think the music when the soldier came with the message for Zelda was way to dramatic. I would have used a little more creepy music. When the bad guy got out of the cell the dramatic music should have come after he had finished his saying. It got a little silly to hear the grand music when he was still talking, it kinda showed a little to much of what was gonna happen and the surprise effect was removed.
The graphics were great! What FPS did you use? One thing i liked is that the blood and the ash from the burnt soldier were pixels and not vector. Allthough i think you should have made the rain pixeled as well. Couldnt you copy the rain effect from the game or was transparent? It was silly that there were lightning inside the house, even though it had no windows. Other than that it was just some minor errors like the soldiers changing positions when scaled up etc. Great!
Uhm. This got a little out of hand. I hope you bother to read all ;)