America is a ghey country... Every time something good happens some1 destroys it with sueing some1 who created that good thing...
Currently working on: Harvest Moon parodie. Another day in Metroid Prime. Half way. Female voiceactors found. Male voice actors can email me!
Age 35, Male
Sweden, Stockholm
Joined on 10/11/02
America is a ghey country... Every time something good happens some1 destroys it with sueing some1 who created that good thing...
Fuck, it's the internet. You can't sue someone on the internet since there is no regulations on the internet and its content. That mother is just being a bitch. Doesn't anyone ever listen to the "Don't-Sue-Everybody-Panda"?
If that San Fransisco mother did not want her son to be viewing Adult content she never should of blessed him with the miracle of the internet.
Other than that i just loled.
Stop using front page posts to advertise Duck division and thier 'cyber terrorism' activities.
But the hackers are responsible not the staff.
Aww that mother is an overreactive num skull seriously it isn't Toms fault! and is it really smart to post those pictures here aswell?!
If this whole lawsuit really is real then perhaps the staff will finally give a damn about fixing the situation...quite frankly it seems that they don't care.
There's no way in hell that dumb mother is going to take this site out of business, if she does she's dead meat!
Also those at Duck Division. Why aren't THEY the ones that are sued? This is so pathetic! And what's with you people saying Egoraptor's stupid? Wasn't he the one who was hacked?! He got hacked, that said, he didn't just give his account to the Ducks, the Ducks entered his account without permission by other means you dipshits!
Something must be done. But either way, Newgrounds is going to walk away victorious, I'm sure of it. It is that mother against the whole Newgrounds users. She's facing an army. Oh, DAMN HER! She has no right to decide what's appropriate to appear in the internet! This act of genocide is unconscionable! She wants to single-handledly obliterate the biggest flash portal on the planet because of some morons that don't have anything better to do in their miserable and pointless lives!
I dont know if tom fulp is force to close newgrounds he will make a new web page so dont be alarmed :D besides i never like the name newgrounds in the first place.
hahaha ahahaha
bunch of fucking fags.
Thats ridiculous, I love Ego
the last thing crebz is, is the leader of DD.
Wait... Am I being stupid? Could this be a childish joke?
It's really stupid that someone makes a lawsuit out of this, couldn't that mom just forbid her son to visit newgrounds. But i think she's just suing to get some money out of it, that seems to be popular these days.
And it's not like the kid's whole life is ruined just by seeing some cocks. I mean, there's enough pornographic material on newgrounds already and i doubt that the 13 year old or his mom didn't know about that. (even i thought that Newgrounds was just a place for those flash porn games at first :p).
Just look at all the cartoony porn that's here (just look up some of Stamper's work XD), if they'd all sue because of that, Tom-Fulp would be in jail about now.
woah, woah, woah. suing NG because of something the Duck Division did? not fair. if NG gets closed because of this... then we have proof that true idiots rule the world.
[the NG staff are not stupid. the ppl who hate them are]
I think Splix (or somethig like that) or Crebb did it, they hate Egoraptor! But why post those art? I wanna kill those 2